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Machines & Services



Polishes, clips oats, clips barley beards, clips hairs and tails off wild oats.


Removes straw, chaff, and other foreign material.



Separates grain by length from short to long, removes wild oats, ergot and weed seeds.

Air and Screen

Seed is run over different screen sizes, along with air, to remove weeds, chaff, and small kernels. This provides a uniform seed size
for a more consistent flow of seed when seeding.


Gravity Table

Separates based on density, using air to separate light and foreign materials

Color Sorter

Optical separation can identify and remove selected rejects by color.



Seed Cleaning

Wetaskiwin Seed & Grain Co-operative Ltd, owned by its shareholders, has served Central Alberta farmers for over 70 years. We are an accredited seed establishment, approved conditioner and bulk storage facility with the Canadian Seed Institute. We are distributors for Co-op Agro and NorthStar Seeds.

Seed Treating

Wetaskiwin Seed & Grain Co-operative Ltd. has over 30 yrs of experience and consists of two licensed Operators, two licensed Graders and two Certified Pesticide Applicator.


*Other than cleaning, additional seed services provided are seed treatment and germination or disease testing.


4710 – 40th Avenue
Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada
T9A 0A2


© Copyright 2024 Wetaskiwin Seed & Grain Co-operative Ltd. All rights reserved.